The story involves a kindly small-town physician Doctor Lloyd Clayton (George Zucco), who attends the funeral of his twin brother, the evil magic (paranormal)ian Elwyn, whom he has secretly murdered because of the latter’s deep involvement in the occult sciences. Evil Elwyn’s hunchback assistant Zolarr (Dwight Frye) suspects the good doctor of doing away with his master and confronts him on this matter, but the doctor swears that he only acted in self-defense when his brother had become a danger to society. Unfortunately, the evil twin brother had gone too far meddling with the dark arts before his demise, and with the help of his assistant he returns to life as a vampire. The doctor and his beautiful young niece, Gayle Clayton (Mary Carlisle) soon discover that evil forces still are at work even after Elwyn’s funeral and are horrified to learn that the resurrected Elwyn is set on a gruesome revenge against his brother and his niece.